Building Bridges to Host 65 Thought-provoking Events on Sustainable Finance

Building Bridges will host its 3rd edition from October 3-6, featuring a two-day high-level summit followed by over 65 events on sustainable finance. This year’s edition will connect actors from the Global North and South in Geneva to stimulate debate, and highlight innovative solutions to mobilize finance for sustainable development.
The world is facing unprecedented crises related to climate change, conflict, biodiversity loss, food insecurity, migration, and economic downturns. The financial sector, private investors and governments can play a decisive role by reorienting capital flows from investments that are harming the planet towards sustainable projects. Building Bridges aims to accelerate the transition to a global economic model that fully supports the Sustainable Development Goals.
The 3rd edition of Building Bridges will take place from October 3-6 2022 at the Centre International de Conférences Geneva (CICG) and online. It will showcase new dynamic approaches for aligning finance with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The 2022 edition will open with a high-level Summit that will explore finance for nature and climate change, innovation in sovereign debt management, as well as agriculture and land use. The Summit will feature internationally renowned experts and out-of-the-box thought leaders such as Emmanuel Faber from the International Sustainability Standards Board, Nick Robins from the London School of Economics and Political Science, Margaret Kulhow from WWF International, David Nabarro from Skills, Systems & Synergies for Sustainable Development, Beatrice Weder di Mauro from the Centre for Economic Policy Research, Peter Bakker from the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, and many other speakers.
The Building Bridges Week will run from October 4-6 and host 65 community-led discussions, workshops, roundtables, presentations and training sessions, covering themes such as climate change, emerging markets, fintech, impact, social investments, transparency and accountability.
Transitioning to a sustainable financial system requires the contributions of all sectors of society. To facilitate networking, a series of gatherings will also be organized in the Building Bridges Village, where participants are invited to connect with over 100 partner organizations and discover their work in sustainable finance.