Call For Events

Call for events on three cross-cutting themes
Building Bridges unites high-level support with broad community engagement to enable the creation of a true movement and collective ownership, rather than one-way dialogue. This is why the Week is crowd-sourced and features a program of events planned by the Building Bridges Community.
Organizations are invited to submit event proposals to the program around three cross-cutting themes:
1. Impact and Transparency: This theme will address topics such as the newest global developments related to disclosures and taxonomies, including how these frameworks account for transition and how to move beyond a focus on climate to include other SDGs; data issues including availability, measurability, comparability, and quality; operationalization of ESG, impact measurement and reporting
2. Supply Demand Mismatch: This theme will explore how to rethink mainstream investment strategies to be more comprehensive, impact-driven, and SDG-focused; how to scale up successful strategies and develop new innovative financing instruments; and how to leverage different types of capital to drive more capital to sustainable companies and projects
3. Fintech for the SDGs: This theme will showcase and examine the newest solutions in fintech that support sustainability including financial technologies that advance certain SDGs, technological tools that improve transparency and impact measurement, and technology itself as a financing instrument. It will also review the enabling factors necessary to foster the development of sustainable fintech
We welcome a range of formats that stimulate deeper levels of dialogue and collaboration including panel discussions; roundtables; workshops, training sessions, pitches, and networking events.
A webinar for organizers interested in holding an event will be held on June 1, 2021
All events must be submitted in the form below no later than June 9, 2021