Fishbowl Discussion

Green FinTech: Accelerating Solutions for Climate Change and Environmental Challenges

Tuesday, October 3, 2023 From 11:30 to 12:30 (CET) Centre International de Conférences Genève - Room F
Fintech Innovative Finance

The session will enable participants to explore the world of fintech and understand its potential to address the SDGs and accelerate a transition to a sustainable financial system. It will highlight key areas where fintech is making a difference and outline concrete examples of tech solutions that already exist.

The event is organised as a 60-minute roundtable fishbowl discussion format. The inner circle participants are:

  • Qasim Abbas (Co-Founder, The Ark)
  • Christoph Baumann (Envoy for Sustainable Finance, SIF)
  • Frederic Fournier (CEO, Open Forest Protocol)
  • Yvonne Johansson (Co-Head, Center of Excellence Sustainability, UBS Switzerland)
  • Oliver Marchand (Head of Climate Risk Center, MSCI)
  • Thomas Puschmann (Executive Director, Global Center for Sustainable Digital Finance, Stanford & University of Zurich)
  • Gerrit Sindermann (Deputy Executive Director, Green Digital Finance Alliance)
  • Simone Thompson (Co-Founder and CEO, Climada)