
Greening the Financial Sector in Emerging and Developing Economies

Tuesday, December 7, 2021 – Tuesday, December 7, 2021
14:30 – 17:30

The World Bank office in Geneva is pleased to invite you to a virtual event to discuss the trends, challenges, and opportunities for mobilizing the financial sector in Emerging and Developing Economies (EMDEs) to finance investments to promote sustainable growth and protect nature.

This discussion comes as the COVID-19 pandemic is dealing an unprecedented setback to the worldwide effort to end extreme poverty and reduce inequality. Reversals in development, caused by the pandemic, threaten people’s lives, jobs, and livelihoods. The response to the crisis offers multiple opportunities to support countries rebuild stronger, greener and more equitable systems and institutions. Integrated longer-horizon Green, Resilient and Inclusive Development strategies are needed to repair the structural damage caused by COVID-19, accelerate climate change mitigation and adaptation, and underpin a strong and durable recovery.

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