
It Takes Three to Tango

Thursday, October 6, 2022 – Thursday, October 6, 2022
09:00 – 10:30
Centre International de Conférences Genève - Workshop Room 14

Deploying private capital at scale to SDGs requires joint effort from assets owners (family offices), the intermediaries (funds) and the ventures (solutions). The current mechanism is flawed. Despite explosive demand the ventures, funds and projects are still struggling to get funded by private capital. Session surfaces the hidden dynamics behind.


Risto Väyrynen

Founder - The Impact Office

Risto Väyrynen founded The Impact Office, a group of Single Family Office principals channeling private capital towards the SDGs. A seasoned entrepreneur, he's initiated multiple start-ups, held prominent C-suite and board roles, and served as a Managing Partner at a Geneva-based investment management company. Formerly leading the World Economic Forum's Family Business Community he's now an Ambassador for the Family Business Network, championing Family Business Sustainability. An alumnus of the EDHEC Business School, Väyrynen holds an MBA focused on Family Business.

Adela Villanueva

Co-initiator - The Impact Office

Adela Villanueva is an experienced executive and entrepreneur at the intersection of innovation, technology, sustainability, and impact investing. She co-founded The Impact Office, a group of families leading the way to impact, and founded ALKELIO to drive responsible growth and positive change through open innovation. Ms. Villanueva is an advocate of systems thinking and ‘conscious’ approaches. With a proven track record, she has transformed businesses and people globally, from Fortune 500 companies to startups towards growth & impact. Adela Villanueva is a certified design thinker & innovator by Stanford, PE/VC investor by HBS, and MBA lecturer on innovation, entrepreneurship and venture creation.

John Dutton

Head of UpLink and Member of the Executive Committee, World Economic Forum

John Dutton is Head of UpLink and Member of the Executive Committee for the World Economic Forum. Previously John also served as the Head of the Forum Foundations and Head of the Forum of Young Global Leaders

Moaffak Ahmed

Founder, Partner, Cooler Future

Moaffak Ahmed is the founder of Cooler Future a platform to assess the true impact of your investments. Serial entrepreneur and hands-on early stage investor with over 25 years of marketing and business development experience in Europe, North America and Asia.

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