
It takes a village: Why we need an ecosystem revolution to foster sustainable economic development

Wednesday, October 4, 2023 – Wednesday, October 4, 2023
13:00 – 14:30
Centre International de Conférences Genève - Seedstars Villa, Level -1

This panel brings together pioneers in the international development space that explore new methods and best practices of supporting innovation ecosystems through a systems thinking approach. We will discuss the shift away from traditional interventions by funders and capacity builders that focus on isolated problems, and move towards a more comprehensive approach that takes into account the movement of talent, information and resources as well as the interactions and collaboration between different ecosystem actors.


Xiaomin Mou

Regional Lead, Venture Capital, Türkiye, CEU & Central Asia - International Finance Corporation

Xiaomin is Regional Lead, Venture Capital, Türkiye, CEU & Central Asia at International Finance Corporation. Xiaomin is a senior investment professional with over 15 years of experience in emerging market venture capital. She currently leads IFC's VC investments CEE, Turkey and Central Asia, after spending a decade in China VC. Prior to the IFC, she was with the Boston Consulting Group in Munich, Germany. Xiaomin holds Ph.D., M.Eng, and B.S. degrees in electrical engineering from MIT.

Maureen Amakabane

Founder and Head of Business Development & Partnership - Nyayo Moms Sokos Limited

Maureen Amakabane is Founder and Head of Business Development & Partnership at Nyayo Moms Sokos Limited. Maureen is extremely passionate about women and youth socio economic advancement. Maureen believes women and youth are able to achieve socio economic empowerment by leveraging on entrepreneurship and technology as a catalyst.

Valeria Morua

Advisor — Make-IT in Africa - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Valeria Morua is Advisor — Make-IT in Africa at GIZ. Valeria serves as advisor for the GIZ initiative Make-IT in Africa. She oversees projects geared towards more collaborative and connected digital innovation ecosystems in Africa. Previously, she worked on private sector development with the ministries of industry and trade in Jordan and Malawi. She is passionate about opportunities for more diversity and inclusion as propellers for economic growth.

Iruka Ndubuizu

Director of Partnerships - The Tony Elumelu Foundation

Iruka Ndubuizu is Director of Partnerships at The Tony Elumelu Foundation. A creative and innovative professional who excels at developing and managing strategic collaborations and value-creating engagements with public and private organizations. As the Director of Partnerships at The Tony Elumelu Foundation, I leverage my strong business acumen and ability to engage stakeholders to advance the Foundation's mission of empowering African entrepreneurs and transforming the continent's economy.

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