
Social Impact Real Estate: Moving Beyond Green Building

Thursday, October 6, 2022 – Thursday, October 6, 2022
09:00 – 10:30
Centre International de Conférences Genève - Room B
Innovative Finance Social

To date, most attention to ESG has been focused on the environmental performance of real estate, concentrating on energy transition and carbon emissions. However, there is a growing expectation that the social impact of real estate should be taken into account. The panelists will share their views on the social progress of residential property in different European countries.


Martijn Vlasveld Panelist,

Head of ESG, Edmond de Rothschild REIM

Martijn Vlasveld is Head of ESG at Edmond de Rothschild REIM and joined the firm in June 2022. Mr. Vlasveld has over 17 years of experience in real estate portfolio and asset management.

Prior to joining Edmond de Rothschild REIM, Mr. Vlasveld worked at CBRE Investment Management, as Director Portfolio Management and Head of Sustainability of The Netherlands. Before this, Mr. Vlasveld was employed at ING Real Estate as an asset manager in the Dutch and pan-European business. At CBRE Investment Management, Mr. Vlasveld was responsible for a EUR 1.3 billion investment portfolio, with a strong ambition to increase the sustainability level of the assets. In addition, Mr. Vlasveld led the sustainability team of the Dutch business, consisting of professionals in the office, residential, logistics and retail sectors.

Bert-Jan Scheffer Panelist,

Head of Business & Product Development, Edmond de Rothschild REIM

Bert-Jan Scheffer is Head of Business and Product Development at Edmond de Rothschild REIM, after having joined the firm in 2022. Mr. Scheffer has over 15 years of experience in real estate, mostly as an institutional investor, having deployed over EUR 7.5 billion of equity capital.

Nicolas Di Maggio

Head Asset Management Indirect, Swiss Finance & Property AG; CEO, Swiss Finance & Property SA

Nicolas Di Maggio joined Swiss Finance Property Group in 2017. He is responsible for the indirect real estate investments, is a member of the Executive Management of SFP Group and CEO of Swiss Finance & Property AG. He is also a member of the advisory board of the Swiss Association of Real Estate Securitization Professionals (COPTIS). Prior to joining SFP Group, he was Head of Indirect Real Estate Management at Banque Cantonale Vaudoise, where he worked for over eleven years. Nicolas is a Certified International Investment Analyst (CIIA) and holds a Master's degree in Economics with a major in Management from the University of Lausanne, Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC).

François Yenny

Head of Research & Consulting for Suisse Romande, CBRE

François Yenny has both an architectural degree from EPFL and an MBA from HEC. He is currently senior director and head of the Suisse Romande “CBRE Research & Consulting” team which leverages detailed understanding of both the real estate market and end-user’s needs in order to provide strategic consulting to both the private and public sectors. Before that, he was head of real estate analysis at iConsulting, a private consultancy of which he was one of the founding partners. This followed his role as head of real estate analysis at the Banque Cantonal Vaudoise, a position he moved to after having worked in his own architectural firm for several years. Today, his wide-ranging experience allows him to approach questions in a systemic way and help CBRE propose efficient and often innovative solutions that seek to best align the interests of stake holders including end-users, landowners, investors, developers, creative professionals, and public authorities. More topically, François Yenny has helped more than 20 localities in Suisse Romande establish their housing targets and the strategies by which they can achieve them. He has also served as a consultant specializing in the needs of the occupants and end-users of several neighborhood developments.

Frédéric Lelièvre moderator,

Moderator - CEO and Editor-in-Chief - L'Agefi

Frédéric Lelièvre is the CEO and Editor-in-Chief of the business and financial outlet L'Agefi since May 1, 2020. Previously, he served as deputy editor-in-chief of "CNN Money Switzerland". A former Head of Le Temps business section, Frédéric has also been a foreign correspondent in Hong Kong.

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