With many of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets still lagging and a growing funding gap, the need to innovate to amplify positive impact has never been more urgent. Artificial intelligence (AI) offers a promising tool for accelerating progress by enhancing data analysis, knowledge access and operational efficiency. We believe that alliances and opportunities for strategic collaboration can turbocharge the potential of AI to bring about truly inclusive development.

Stronger together

SDG 17 emphasizes the importance of multi-stakeholder partnerships as a means to accelerate progress across all SDGs. By pooling resources, sharing knowledge and expertise, and increasing access to technology for all, actors in global development can support more individuals and empower them to drive progress quicker and in a sustained manner.

With its sizable resources and ability to drive technological innovation, including AI, the private sector plays a critical role in this ecosystem. The UN SDG Partnership Guidebook also recognizes that businesses that operate responsibly, inclusively and sustainably have the ability to create and sustain livelihoods, reduce poverty, and deliver essential products and services efficiently and affordably.

But an alliance between the public and private sectors can also be challenging for various reasons, including:
– Differences in priorities and interests
– Lack of concrete plans or policies for implementing AI initiatives
– Lack of awareness around AI solutions and technologies
– Lack of skills for AI in the public sector
– Lack of incentives for engagement
Successful AI alliances

Although these challenges certainly exist, several alliances around AI and the SDGs have already shown that collaboration creates more inclusive outcomes. Examples include:

ATscale, the Global Partnership for Assistive Technology, is a cross-sector global partnership with a mission to transform people’s lives through AT, including AI-enabled technologies.

– The Global Alliance for Social Entrepreneurship, launched in 2020 by the World Economic Forum and the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, includes an AI for Social Innovation initiative. Here, social innovators and technology leaders come together to leverage AI and other advanced technologies to drive greater impact and innovation in the social sector. The initiative builds on a diverse group of stakeholders with experience in AI and social innovation.

– Founded in 2014, the Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL) is a global coalition committed to advancing positive, sustainable and inclusive digital transformation through collaboration and knowledge sharing. DIAL acts as a convener of governments, funders and other development actors so that development efforts using data and technology promote people’s rights while achieving technological advancements.

Collaboration is key
The role of collaboration among stakeholders should not be overlooked, especially in creating a strong enabling environment that encourages AI-driven innovation while mitigating risks. By forging alliances and promoting strategic partnerships, the full capability of AI for inclusive development can be realized, leading to more equitable and sustainable outcomes

Note: This article was inspired by the report Inclusive Innovation: an inside look at AI’s potential to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), published by EY in collaboration with Devex in September 2024.

This contribution is brought to you by EY, a valued silver event partner of Building Bridges 2024.