UNEP FI & Building Bridges Join Forces to Mainstream Sustainable Finance Globally

UNEP FI and Building Bridges are joining forces to bring together two weeks of sustainable finance events in October for the international community. The events, running from 3-14 October will bring together 6000+ finance professionals to tackle issues including climate change, impact management, conflict, biodiversity loss, food security, human rights, and economic recovery.
Building Bridges will take place from 3-6 October at the Centre International de Conférences Geneva (CICG) and online, showcasing dynamic approaches to align finance with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The 2022 edition will open with a high-level Summit (3-4 October), exploring finance for nature and climate change, innovation in sovereign debt management, as well as agriculture and land use. The Building Bridges Summit will feature internationally renowned experts such as Emmanuel Faber, the International Sustainability Standards Board, Rebeca Grynspan, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Magdi Batato, Nestlé Group, Sergio Ermotti, Swiss Re, Patricia Danzi, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, and many other speakers. The Building Bridges Week will run from October 4-6 and host 65 community-led discussions, workshops and roundtables, covering themes such as climate change, emerging markets, fintech, impact, social investments, transparency and accountability.
The following week, UNEP FI’s 17th Global Roundtable (GRT), a major global agenda-setting event on sustainable finance will be held on 10-14 October. Held under the theme of “Transforming Finance, Accelerating Change”, this online-only event will bring together decision-makers, experts and thought leaders on a virtual event platform to help shape approaches to integrating sustainability across the banking, insurance and investment industries. UNEP FI’s Global Roundtable consistently serves as a pivotal event in finance industry action, providing attendees an opportunity to collaborate with peers, demonstrate leadership, and learn from global financial leaders. This year’s Global Roundtable will provide a platform for fostering systemic impact and address critical emerging topics including portfolio alignment, adaptation, impact management and connectivity between the finance sector and the real economy. This year’s speakers include former US Vice-President Al Gore, UN Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance Mark Carney, Chair of the Network for Greening the Financial System Ravi Menon, Allianz CEO Oliver Baete, UNEP Executive Director Inger Andersen and Architect of the Paris Agreement Christiana Figueres.
Join us in October to align finance with sustainability: