
Elisabeth Stern: Senior Women for Climate Protection Switzerland Podcast Episode

Building Bridges x The Geneva Connection Podcast

Call for Action Events: Building Bridges 2025

Guest contribution
Biodiversity: A Business Imperative

Guest contribution
Harnessing Impact Investing in Listed Equities to Address Global Challenges

Guest contribution
Strengthening the financial case for unlocking the net-zero transition

Guest contribution
Geopolitics & Climate Change: What investors should watch for?

Blended Finance Webinar: Unlocking Private Investment for Climate Action

Guest contribution
Switzerland’s path to decarbonization: head start, rocky road ahead

Guest contribution
Fostering Environmental Innovation Through Impact Investment: The Role of Startup Ecosystems

Guest contribution
An SRI policy built around transparency and partnerships

Guest contribution
Championing Impact Investing in Switzerland

Guest contribution
At Pictet, Marie-Laure Schaufelberger is putting sustainable finance on a permanent footing

Guest contribution
The Rise of AI and ESG

Guest contribution
Harnessing Artificial Intelligence to accelerate sustainable development

Guest contribution
High Swiss ambitions for green finance

Guest contribution
Investing in nature – transforming finance to build a circular bioeconomy

Guest contribution
Circular construction principles will be essential to reach net zero by 2050

Guest contribution
Pushing for science-based targets together

The Great Wealth Transfer Webinar: Next-Gen Leaders Paving the Way for Impact

Guest contribution
Sustainability and the financial industry: The focus must change

Guest contribution
How can we leverage AI’s power to bridge divides and facilitate inclusive, equitable progress?

Impact Lens Investing Webinar with Leaders Who Make Change Possible

Call for Volunteers 2024

First Bridging Africa – Europe SDG Investment Summit in Nairobi, Kenya


Building Bridges and UNEP FI to join forces for the 5th edition of Building Bridges

Guest contribution
Insights from the 2023 ESG Global Study

Global Forums gathered financial, corporate and sustainability leaders to unlock capital for the planet, people and prosperity

Guest contribution
Symbiotics Impact Report 2022: fostering financial inclusion for sustainable development

Guest contribution
Regenerative Food Systems: Finding Ways to Feed the World Without it Costing the Earth

Guest contribution
Climate Scenario Impacts on the Credit Book

Guest contribution
Adapt and thrive: What will the future bring?

Guest contribution
Should ISSB be on Swiss companies’ radar?

Guest contribution
With food systems at breaking point, how do we feed 10bn people by 2050?

Guest contribution
Can listed equity fund managers support a shift to a more sustainable food system?

Guest contribution
Over Ten Years of Commitment to Support and Develop Sustainable Goals

Guest contribution
Robeco’s SI Open Access Initiative and SDG Framework

Guest contribution
Energy transition leaders offer new investment opportunities

Guest contribution
Is Private Equity sustainable?

Guest contribution
An electric future

Newly Released ISSB Standards

Highlights from the Paris Summit for a New Global Financing Pact

Call for Volunteers 2023

Join us at Building Bridges 2023 to shape our sustainable future!

Environmental Innovation Awards Competition

Tackling inequality: An agenda for business action

In the press
“Switzerland has a long history in developing innovative sustainable finance solutions that few others can offer”

Building bridges with emerging markets

Guest contribution
The climate transition offers new opportunities for investors

Urgent climate action needed to secure a liveable future for all

Building Bridges is Hiring Interns

2023 Call for Events

In the press
Patrick Odier: ‘Switzerland cannot hide behind neutrality’

Contribute to our next Building Bridges Edition

Building Bridges is Hiring for the 2023 Edition!

Our 2022 Report is out!

Guest contribution
No time to waste, the only way is forward – COP27 and the accountable road to COP28

Guest contribution
COP27 and Climate Progress

COP31 on climate: the Swiss Federal Council opts for partnership initiatives instead of a Swiss bid

In the press
COP27: «Sans financement, toutes les promesses sur le climat seront inutiles»

In the press
Building Bridges, l’antichambre de la COP31 en Suisse

Guest contribution
SDG Lab Interview: Dr. Stephen Jackson, UN Resident Coordinator in Kenya

In the press
AGEFI – Le Seco tient à son objectif de 100 millions d’ici 2030 pour son initiative durable

In the press
AGEFI: «Il faut se concentrer sur le E de ESG»

In the press
Peter Njonjo: «La finance durable devrait aider à créer des modèles d’affaires qui n’existent pas encore»

In the press
All News – Les modes de production agricole clé pour atteindre les objectifs climatiques

In the press
Bilan – La crise actuelle pourrait favoriser à terme la durabilité

In the press
Philipp Hildebrand en appelle à la responsabilité du politique

In the press
Bilan – La finance durable face à la réglementation

In the press
Bilan – Sandrine Salerno: «Le secteur financier ne pourra y arriver seul»

In the press
24 Heures – «Ce sommet est un pas vers une COP en Suisse»

In the press
All News – Building Bridges/finance durable: «Notre responsabilité pour les générations futures», déclare Ueli Maurer

In the press
RTS – Le 3e sommet des Building Bridges s’attaque aux défis de la transition durable

In the press
Le Temps – Building Bridges: pour distancier Genève du «greenwashing»

Guest contribution
Pipeline Builder Partnership: Interview with John Hendra

Guest contribution
Yofi Grant: “Our Development Agenda is already Aligned with the SDGs and Has Been for a Long Time”

Guest contribution
How to Guarantee Debt Sustainability while Protecting the Environment

Guest contribution
Energy Transition: a Complex but Compelling Challenge

Guest contribution
Interview with Brindusa Burrows: “We simply cannot afford to not invest in the SDGs in emerging markets”

Guest contribution
Solving Plastic Pollution from an Investor Perspective

Guest contribution
Pipeline Builder Partnership: Interview with Charles Abani, UN Resident Coordinator in Ghana

Building Bridges Connect App

Deadline Extended: Call for Volunteers 2022

Beyond Rhetoric: Keeping Track of Impact Investing

Guest contribution
Defining and Conceptualizing Impact Investing

Guest contribution
How Greenwashing almost Took Out ESG?

Net Zero Insights Report: How is the Swiss Financial Market Doing?

Guest contribution
Net Zero: The Real Economy Must Adapt to the Requirements of the Financial Sector

UNEP FI & Building Bridges Join Forces to Mainstream Sustainable Finance Globally

Guest contribution
The Economics of Sustainability-linked Bonds

Guest contribution
Balancing Regulation between Complexity and Transparency

Guest contribution
Harnessing the Energy Transition

Thought leadership
Infrastructure Investment: Empowering Emerging Countries

Building Bridges to Host 65 Thought-provoking Events on Sustainable Finance

Thought leadership
Back from Davos: Nature Positive Finance is Not an Option

Thought leadership
Tackling the Triple Planetary Crisis: The Role of the Finance Sector

In the press
La Fondation Building Bridges pérennisera le rendez-vous annuel de la finance durable

Our 2021 Final Report is out!

2022 Call for Events

CLOSED – Building Bridges is Hiring!

Thought leadership
Building Bridges 2021: Pipeline Builder panel spotlights Ghana’s potential

Thought leadership
Blending private-public funds for impact – A public sector perspective on the state of the art

In the press
SDG Impact Finance Initiative launched at Building Bridges

Thought leadership
It’s time to widen the lens of sustainable finance

Thought leadership
The 4th agricultural revolution in modern history has begun

Thought leadership
What lies beyond financial inclusion?

Thought leadership
When emissions turn personal: How many trees are needed to offset your carbon footprint?

Introducing the new Impact Management Platform, coming to Building Bridges Week 2021

Thought leadership
Cleantech: BNP Paribas and Solar Impulse have launched an investment fund dedicated to startups

Thought leadership
From Carbon Neutral to Nature Positive

Meet the Accelerate2030 Entrepreneurs Driving the New Economy

Thought leadership
It’s time to fully mobilize central banks and financial supervisors on climate and nature risks

Thought leadership
FinTech as a catalyst for sustainability in the financial system

GSIV entrepreneurs

Thought leadership
Biodiversity Finance – the New Frontier

Geneva Media Workshop

Call for Volunteers (closed)

Thought leadership
For Building Bridges, diversity is key

Zürich Media Workshop

In the press
Agir vite, ensemble

In the press
“We don’t want to be just one more conference”
