Our world is currently facing a climate, energy, food and political crisis. While these crises have shown us how interdependent and fragile our human rights are, they have also highlighted that we all have a crucial role to play if we want to reach the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

Patrick Odier

Chair – Building Bridges

Final report

The 3rd edition of Building Bridges took place from October 3 to 6 in Geneva. This international event brought together members from the finance industry, the United Nations, NGOs, academia and government during 4 days to address current global crises, and articulate common solutions to advance the Sustainable Development Goals.

Since 2019, Building Bridges has been promoting finance as a key lever to accelerate the transition to a sustainable economic system through annual convening activities. The 2022 edition explored ways to cope with climate change risks, sustainable agriculture practices, opportunities in emerging markets, fintech, gender lens investing, greenwashing, and several other topics.

The event gathered 1800+ in-person participants coming from 51 different countries, and generated 20000+ online views.

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