Julius Baer is one of the first financial institutions in Switzerland to receive validation from the Science Based Targets initiative on its near-term climate targets, confirming that it has a credible plan to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. These targets include reductions from our operations, balance sheet, and a portion of our client assets.​

Validation from SBTi, globally the most recognised body certifying climate commitments, shows that our near-term goals are aligned with what the latest climate science deems necessary to limit global warming to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels.

What are our SBTi-validated climate targets?​

Julius Baer is committed to achieving these climate targets, which have been validated by SBTi:
– By 2025, invest 36% of our balance sheet and discretionary mandate books[1] into companies with validated SBTi targets, (with the aim to reach 100% by 2040).
– Reduce our mortgage GHG emissions by 57% per m2 by 2030 vs 2021.
– Reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 90% by 2030 vs 2019.​

As a bank, investments make up the majority of our GHG emissions, making it imperative for us to take action in this area. Our stewardship activities, which comprise engaging with companies, exercising voting rights, and engaging with public stakeholders, contribute to achieving our targets on financed emissions.

Driving positive change

Stewardship allows us to take an active role in guiding companies towards more sustainable practices. And it’s a way of using investment power to positively influence how businesses operate and impact society and the environment.

At Julius Baer, we believe that by staying invested in companies, we can more effectively drive positive change through our influence on the company. Where appropriate, we may also join forces with other investors (e.g. through Climate Action 100+), clients, and broader stakeholder groups.

At the same time, we recognise that to be credible to our clients, employees, and other stakeholders, it is paramount of us to walk the talk. We strive to reduce emissions on our own operations through various ways – for instance by promoting efficient energy consumption. We are transitioning to renewable energy across our offices globally, and already source 100% renewable electricity in Switzerland. For the remaining hard-to-abate emissions, we support various decarbonisation initiatives across the world, including sustainable aviation fuel partnerships with global airlines and two reforestation projects in Indonesia and Panama.
[1] Assets classes in scope are listed equity, corporate bonds, ETFs, REITs and corporate loans

This contribution is brought to you by Julius Baer, a valued silver event partner of Building Bridges 2024.