Elgin Brunner

Resp. Transformational Programmes at WWF, NGO Seat

Elgin Brunner is the Director of Transformational Programs and member of the Executive Board at WWF Switzerland. Before joining WWF, she acted as the Head of Sustainability Strategy and Communications at BSD Consulting, was the Deputy Head Sustainability Research at Forma Future Invest AG and also worked as a Senior Researcher at the Center for Security Studies at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zürich. She holds two masters degrees from the Graduate Institute (IHEID) in International Relations and Political Science and a PhD in Political Theory from the University of Vienna. She also studied Ethnology at the University of Zürich and Spanish language and literature at the University of Geneva.

Ms. Brunner acts on behalf of the NGO Seat, which is made up of a group of NGOs with expertise on sustainable finance, including WWF Switzerland, PeaceNexus Foundation, the International Institute for Sustainable Development, DNDi, and Ashoka.