Magdi Batato


Executive Vice President & Head of Operations, Nestlé

Born in 1959 in Egypt, Magdi Batato is a Swiss national. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Ph.D. in Thermodynamics from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). He completed the Executive Development Program (PED) of IMD Lausanne and an International Manufacturing course with INSEAD Paris. Mr. Batato has worked as Assistant Professor and Lecturer at the EPFL and Technicom in Bienne (Switzerland) as well as Project Engineer in an engineering consultancy firm in Lausanne (Bonnard & Gardel), before joining Nestlé in Switzerland in 1991 as Engineer in Industrial Services, Energy & Environment.

On October 1st, 2015 Mr. Batato returned to Vevey upon his appointment as Executive Vice President, Nestlé S.A., and Head of Operations. As such, he is responsible for Procurement, Nestrade, Manufacturing, Supply Chain, Safety & Health, Quality Management, Engineering, Agriculture, Water Resources, as well as Sustainability and Operations Strategies. In March 2018, he was appointed to the Supervisory Board of Carlsberg A/S. Magdi is also representing Nestlé on the executive committee of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). As of May 2018, he is a member of the Swiss Academy of Technical Sciences (Schweizerischen Akademie der Technischen Wissenschaften – SATW). In May 2020, Magdi was appointed Chairman of IDH (the Sustainable Trade Initiative).