What we do


Building Bridges Flagship Event

The Building Bridges yearly event in Geneva is organised by the Building Bridges Foundation on behalf of its Founding Partners, a unique alliance of institutions from the financial sector, public authorities and Geneva-based international organisations. This multi-day event provides a unique platform to share, learn and act, in a collective way, with the shared objective to transform how private capital is mobilised to achieve positive social and environmental impact. 

Building Bridges 2025: 6th Edition

Save the date for Building Bridges 2025, from 30 September to 2 October.

Building Bridges 2024: 5th Edition

The fifth edition of Building Bridges took place on December 9-12 in Geneva. Learn more at the following links:

Building Bridges 2023: 4th Edition

The fourth edition of Building Bridges took place on October 2-5 in Geneva and hosted 70+ transformative discussions to shape the global sustainable finance agenda.

Building Bridges 2023 was also marked by the recently launched recommendations of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), the second Sharm el-Sheikh dialogue, and the 10-year anniversary of Seedstars.

2023 Edition Highlights

Building Bridges 2022: 3rd Edition

The third edition of Building Bridges took place from October 3-6 2022 at the Centre International de Conférences Geneva (CICG) and online.

Building Bridges featured a high-level Summit, over 65 community-led events, and a networking village.

2022 Edition Highlights

Building Bridges 2021: 2nd Edition

More than 1400 Swiss and international participants from the finance sector, NGOs, academia, governments, and international organizations gathered to attend the second edition of Building Bridges from Nov 29-Dec 2, 2021. Over the course of 4 days, the community took part in a high-level Summit, 77 crowd-sourced events, a village, and a number of networking events, tackling three key, cross-cutting themes:

  • Impact and Transparency
  • Supply-Demand Mismatch
  • Fintech for SDGs

2021 Edition Highlights

Building Bridges 2019: 1st Edition

The objective of the first edition of “Building Bridges” in 2019 was to bring together diverse stakeholders in dialogue around the issues at stake. More than 1000 Swiss and international stakeholders were in attendance, including the President of the Swiss Confederation, the Director-General of UN Geneva, and numerous CEOs and opinion leaders representing NGOs, business, academia and other international organizations.

2019 Edition Highlights

Building Bridges Online Events

Building Bridges online events provide a valuable opportunity to delve deeper into key topics emerging from the flagship event, offering continued engagement on critical topics. They also enable us to reach a global audience, extending the impact of Building Bridges beyond the event itself across regions and sectors.

Building Bridges Activities

Building Bridges also focuses on activities that fulfil expressed needs of our partners, especially when the opportunities harness our strength at convening key stakeholders to build new bridges or when there are challenges to overcome. 

Corporate Workshop on Climate Reporting – Bern

On June 21, 2024, Building Bridges organized a workshop in Bern, bringing together Senior Executives from various industries, representatives from the Swiss Government and associations, as well as CSRD reporting specialists. The event focused on defining key requirements for an effective Swiss climate reporting framework.

Bridging Africa – Europe SDG Investment Summit

Building Bridges took the lead on bringing together for 3 days in Kenya a delegation from private sector leaders from Europe and East Africa to strengthen bridges for sustainable investment. The summit took place in Nairobi, from June 3 to 5, 2024.

2024 World Economic Forum

Tackling Inequality through Private Sector Leadership session in Davos (Switzerland) at the House of Switzerland on the 17th of January 2024.


The 28th edition (COP28) took place in Dubai from 30 November to 12 December 2023. For the first time, the Building Bridges delegation, representing high-ranking members of the Swiss financial sector and led by the SIF, joined the Swiss delegation at COP 28.

Building Bridges 2024 © Mark Henley

Building Bridges Speaker Community

The Building Bridges community has grown beyond its original Founding Partners, to include its yearly Event Partners who generously support the event and help ensure that it remains accessible to as many stakeholders as possible. It also includes Event Organisers, who build the crowd-sourced Action Events Programme, also known as “Action Days”. Each Edition welcomes approximately 2,500 attendees at the CICG, reaching the venue’s full capacity. Essential to all parts of the event, the Summit, high-level plenaries and Action Events, are the speakers, who bring their expertise, inspiration and calls to action from across sectors and geographies. 


  • 2024
  • 2023
  • 2022
  • 2021
  • 2019